Hurricane Harvey made landfall on August 25, 2017 near Corpus Christi, Texas. Over the next five days the storm devastated the Texas coast, dropping over 36 inches of rain over 2500 sq mi area and causing unprecedented levels of damage. Harvey is likely the costliest storm in U.S. history, exceeding Hurricane Katrina. Life-threatening flooding in the City of Houston and surrounding areas caught the world’s attention.
Hurricane Harvey made landfall on August 25, 2017 near Corpus Christi, Texas. Over the next five days the storm devastated the Texas coast, dropping over 36 inches of rain over 2500 sq mi area and causing unprecedented levels of damage. Harvey is likely the costliest storm in U.S. history, exceeding Hurricane Katrina. Life-threatening flooding in the City of Houston and surrounding areas caught the world’s attention.
Hurricane Harvey made landfall on August 25, 2017 near Corpus Christi, Texas. Over the next five days the storm devastated the Texas coast, dropping over 36 inches of rain over 2500 sq mi area and causing unprecedented levels of damage. Harvey is likely the costliest storm in U.S. history, exceeding Hurricane Katrina. Life-threatening flooding in the City of Houston and surrounding areas caught the world’s attention.
Severe Storm Prediction, Education, & Evacuation from Disasters Center

Outreach & Exchange
SSPEED's 11th Conference
October 12 & 13, 2023
The SSPEED Center's 11th International Conference, "Urban and Coastal Flooding: Building a Resilient Future" hosted over 120 attendees at the Rice University's Anderson-Clarke Center. Over the two-day conference, several international speakers from the Netherlands and UK presented, as well as top academic, consulting and governmental experts from across the nation. This included presentations on “Coastal Protection for Galveston Bay,” “Nature-Based Flood Solutions” and “Flood Protection and Climate Adaptation in the Dutch Delta.” Attendees had a chance to see a demonstration of temporary flooding solutions by Dutch Water Prevention. Thank you to our sponsors AECOM, DEC Engineering, Institute for a Disaster Resilient Texas, and Walter P. Moore for helping us host this successful event. Click here to learn more.

February 1, 2023
In the Spring of 2023, SSPEED and TAMU's IDRT hosted a one-day workshop on 2D HEC-RAS Modeling. If you are interested in attending a future training, please email us at sspeed@rice.edu.

SSPEED Hosts 10th Conference
More than 150 attendees gathered for the SSPEED Center's 10th Conference, "Post-Harvey Climate and Flood Impacts on the Built Environment "at the Rice Glasscock School of Continuing Studies. Over the two-day conference, over 30 top academic, consulting and governmental experts presented on a wide variety of topics, including Urban Design & Policy for Flood Protection, Climate Change and Recent Storms, Impact of the Big Freeze and Energy Systems, COVID in the Environment, and Institute for Disaster Resilient Texas.

AGU Fall Meeting 2021
Bedient's grad students present their research at AGU's 2021 Fall Meeting in New Orleans.

Rice Students participate in PIRE 2023
Three Rice students spend time researching in the Netherlands through NSF's PIRE program.

SSPEED Students awarded REA grant
Our REA grant will support the purchase and installation of thermal probes for hydrometeorological monitoring in the Harris Gully Natural Area on campus. Thermal probes will be used to estimate hydraulic conductivity, or the flow of water through soil after rainfall events. Saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ksat) of soil is a key parameter in many hydrologic models, but values are typically based on literature or lengthy field and lab testing. By collecting continuous data during real events, we will better understand soil-water interactions and can assess how reasonable traditional parameter estimates are at characterizing infiltration processes.
- True Furrh & Mia Peeples

TU DELFT CME Students Visit Rice
A group of over 30 students and instructors visit the SSPEED Center as part of a 10-day visit to Houston and Galveston. After a campus tour, SSPEED presented the Galveston Bay Park Plan.

Field Trip to Barker Dam
Professor Bedient and SSPEED's project manager, Larry Dunbar, take CEVE students to Barker Reservoir to look at dam operations and discuss Harvey.